Git Branch Naming Convention

In our project, we follow a specific naming convention for our Git branches. This helps us keep our repository organized and makes it easier to understand the purpose of each branch.

Name Style:

hyphen-style/underscore_style, if no '-' or '_', use PascalCase/camelCase

Branch Type:

  • New Feature branches 1: new/new-feature-name1
  • New Feature branches 2: feature/newFeatureName2
  • Bugfix branches 1: fix/BugName
  • Bugfix branches 2: bugfix/BugName
  • Improvement/Refactor branches 1: improve/improvement_name
  • Improvement/Refactor branches 2: refactor/component_name
  • Creator name prefix:(Optional) xiaoxiang/refactor/ComponentName


    New feature branch:

    new/FeatureName1, feature/feature-name2

    Improvement branch:

    improve/ModuleName1, refactor/moduleName2

    Bug fixing branch:

    fix/bug-name1, bugfix/bugName2